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Maximize Your Full Potential.

Break the Barriers of Limitations To BECOME a CONSCIOUS REALITY CREATOR of YOUR LIFE!

Why Self-Success Mastery ?

You Understand and Take FULL Responsibility For ALL That Happens to YOU, Your MIND & Your BODY, After Going Through ALL the Possibilities of BEING your TRUE SELF, as shared in this site.

So, If You DO NOT Want to Experience ANY of the ABOVE then I Highly Suggest that you MUST Close this Browser IMMEDIATELY and LEAVE this Site.

 Simple! ...Because YOU Have a Choice 

LIVING on Your OWN Terms


DOING Your OWN Thing, and

HAVING TOTAL FREEDOM to CHOOSE your Fundamental Right in Life - then WHY should you NOT have the Right to choose your RIGHT PARTNER in your journey to  BECOME a Conscious Creator of YOUR OWN LIFE?

So that's EXACTLY why Self-Succes Mastery was born - to help YOU BECOME a CONSCIOUS REALITY CREATOR of YOUR LIFE.  

But before I tell you what Self-Success Mastery IS, allow me to state what Self-Success Mastery IS NOT

Self-Success Mastery is NOT a Self-Help or a Personal Development Site.

It simply is NOT.

It is much... MUCH MORE than THAT☝️

So if THAT's what you thought it is then you are HIGHLY mistaken and I caution you that from this point forward, IF you choose to continue reading any further a few things may or WILL happen to you.

So here's the disclaimer;

With that said, here are some of the things that DO happen to MOST of our visitors and WILL happen to you as well;

  • You WILL lose your EGO and you will become an Incredibly Generous and a Happy Soul.

  • You WILL gain UNPRECEDENTED Clarity, Purpose, and Prosperity in Life.

  • You WILL Begin to Attract Abundance in Health, Wealth, Relationships.

  • Focus, Peace, Harmony, and Synchronicities in Life will become a NORM in your life

  • Your Desire to Understand Your TRUE Nature WILL SOAR Higher than EVER

  • You WILL Question ALL that you KNOW about Your SELF and Your Reality

  • Living your Dreams with Passion will become your Ultimate Aim

  • You WILL Start Attracting Opportunities in Life and will become EXTRAORDINARILY Resourceful

But IF you have made it this far then you definitely are one of those NEVER SAY DIE Spirits and are BY NO MEASURE an Ordinary person.


You are ONE among those restless souls who are ALWAYS looking for MORE Powerful Living experiences in life - Not that you are GREEDY, but you KNOW that you DESERVE MORE than what life is throwing at you.


So Congratulations, My Dear, because your Life is about to Change and you will NEVER be the SAME person again - EVER!

 Welcome to Self-Success Mastery 

This is your COMPASS to your Definition of SUCCESS and your GUIDE to Achieving the Impossible. It's here to Help you AIM and Align your Super-Consciousness Nature to your VISIONS of your Prosperous and Abundant LIFE that will Propel You into an Upward Trajectory of Unimaginable Reality Experiences that you once thought was just a Dream.

Time to Realize those Dreams, my Friend!

Does ANY of the Below feel like YOU or YOUR experience?

  • There are SOME experiences that NEVER leave you NO MATTER how HARD you TRY to escape them?

  • You have ALL the Tools, Strategies, and Methods in place in your business but it just does not CLICK for you? You, Your Life and Your Business and/or Profession is Suffering because of GROWTH Stagnation.

  • Luck ALWAYS seem to favor OTHERS but AVOIDS you like HELL.

  • You enter into a NEW Relationship ONLY to REALIZE that it's WORSE than the one before.

  • No Matter how HARD you Try you JUST CAN'T Break Through the invisible Ceiling in your Career, Profession, or your Business.

  • You have a Crypling sensation in your body, your Hearts pounds, your Head Spins when you even think about CHANGE in your life. FEAR of Unknown has a paralyzing effect of your life.

  • You LOVE your Life - you LOVE your Family and want to SEE them Live a Happy Life - But you DO NOT KNOW WHAT is Stopping you From Fulfilling those Dreams?

See, if you really look closely there are only 3 Major Areas where people WANT to Grow and Flourish in ( HEALTH, WEALTH, and RELATIONSHIPS ) but almost ALWAYS hit a roadblock... and the reason they hit it is because they - almost in 99% of the cases - MISS or UNDERVALUE the MOST Important element in the BIG Picture - and that element - the SECRET INGREDIENT to Success is - their SELF.

They think that they KNOW it ALL, they've got it all FIGURED Out, they've STUDIED, done their Analysis, done their ReSearch - and after doing ALL of the above they HOPE that things will go their way. HOPE - because they're not Confident - and some who ARE Confident don't know WHERE and WHAT they are placing their confidence in - because they DON'T Understand ONE MOST Important Factor - their SELF.

 You can NEVER grow BEYOND Your IDENTITY of Your SELF 

See - Believe it or not - behind every Corporation, Business, Profession, Career, Country, Government, or Individual is an IDENTITY that RULES their world. So Contrary to the Popular Belief, the world is NOT run by people - It is run by the IDENTITIES of those Individuals that Govern it.

And the Good or the Bad - whatever you call it - of this IDENTITY is that You can NEVER grow BEYOND the IDENTITY of your SELF. 

You will ALWAYS - ALWAYS & ALWAYS create a reflection of YOUR Identity in WHATEVER you Experience in Life. Period. There's no debate about it and no arguments. THAT is a FACT. I've seen that Time and Time again in Thousands and Thousands of people - it IS the REAL Reason WHY some Struggle and Some Soar High in Life.

So if you walk around with an IDENTITY of;


  • Lack 

  • Struggle

  • Rejection

  • NOT Enoughness

  • Worthlessness

  • Low-Esteem or

  • Poverty in your INNER World (we'll talk more about these later in our courses)

  • You are BOUND to Create a SENSE of Poverty or Struggle in Life.

  • Your Life may seem a drag, nothing may seem to work,

  • Decision making will seem paralyzing,

  • Love Life is Shattered

  • The family seems fragmented or with a lost love and is on the verge of dying.

  • Relationships are Crumbling

  • Inner Peace would seem non-existent.

  • Business is either NOT doing good, is going downhill, or is Stagnant & growth deprived.

  • Profession or Career growth is illusory

  • Things that would look to be working would seem to collapse.

In other words - NEGATIVE or POOR Identity gives rise to SELF-SABOTAGING LifeStyle, Beliefs, and Thought Processes, and KEEPS you in the Paradigm of Poverty and SELF-DEFEAT. In this REALITY, Life is REALLY Hard and may seem Not Worth Living - and mind you, these are just SOME of the things that you feel with a POOR SELF-IDENTITY.

On the OTHER hand, if you are a Powerful and Abundant IDENTITY INSIDE, then;

  • Your world will seem like MADE JUST for YOU.

  • Abundance would follow you like your Shadow.

  • LOVE, PEACE, Happiness, and Clarity Becomes your CORE 


  • You RECEIVE Un-Interrupted and Clear Guidance from your Higher Self

  • Your Business, Profession and/or Career Spirals Upward to Greater Heights 

  • You Feel like the master of your Destiny.

  • Health would seem Perfect,

  • Wealth is BEYOND Normal

  • Your Relationships are like MADE in Heaven for you. 

  • Synchronicities become the order of the day.


In other words, Everything would get created Easily and Effortlessly for you and your life would seem nothing short of a Miracle.

Not only this, anyone looking at you would ASPIRE to BE like YOU!

Isn't Life worth Living this Way? I mean WHO would NOT want a life Blessed Like THIS!

THAT is the Power of your IDENTITY.

I have seen Millionaires with Poverty Consciousness and Poors with Abundance Consciousness and EVENTUALLY, sooner or later, they end up creating a Reflection of their INNER IDENTITY in their OUTER Experience of Life.


YOUR IDENTITY - no matter WHAT it is just ONE of the Infinite VALID choices to experience in life... and the BEST thing about this is that its a CHOICE and you CAN Change it at WILL!


Your current situation may not be IDEAL but it is still a CHOICE. You may have acquired your current IDENTITY Consciously, Sub-Consciously or Unconsciously - but you will have to change it CONSCIOUSLY and the FASTEST way to SHIFT your IDENTITY is to CONSCIOUSLY make it UNCONSCIOUS and things will AUTOMATICALLY start to change for you.

Here's the Reason WHY this


If you don't feel accomplished WITHIN and LEAD a Powerful and Positive Life experience INSIDE - Nothing else matters OUTSIDE - Literally NOTHING...

... because chances are that your Inner State of BEING is Utterly,  Totally and 100%, working AGAINST YOU, Bent on DESTROYING YOU and ALL of your External Manifestations and Accomplishments to REFLECT and PROVE to you the STATE of your INNER BEING.


So Unless you take care of the INNER STATE FIRST, your Outer world will keep crumbling to pieces after every attempt to collect it and put it in Order.

And you know the irony in this?

Your Sub-Conscious  Self THINKS that it is Serving you with Unconditional Love. 


And let me tell you something - no matter how hard it is for you to digest, I'm still going to say it to you ->> Your Inner Self is 100% RIGHT. It IS serving you UNCONDITIONALLY based on the conditional commands that YOU consciously and unconsciously gave it BECAUSE of your IDENTITY of your SELF.


Now, THIS is where you have to make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE and take a DECISION of your LIFE!

If you CHOOSE to LEARN the Principles and Tools and Techniques to Interact with your Consciousness so that it can help SHIFT your IDENTITY - you're BOUND to LIVE LIFE KING-SIZE or QUEEN-SIZE!  In Fact, I'll SHOW you how in a very SHORT time - within weeks - you can go from ZERO to a HERO Position WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING in your Current REALITY (Reality is NOT What you THINK it IS).

But, If you CHOOSE to FAIL to LEARN, your current NEGATIVE SELF-SABOTAGING BELIEFS and your IDENTITY will ANNIHILATE the very existence of your Peace, Freedom, Happiness, Prosperity, Relationships, and your very Purpose in life.


So Unless you plan on Living your Life Un-Consciously going forward - the person who you see in Mirror Every Day will ALWAYS remind you that YOU ALWAYS HAVE a Choice and it is YOU who is STOPPING YOU....

... and the interesting thing is that THIS LIMITATION and FEAR is ALSO the creation of YOUR IDENTITY and your Sub-Conscious Mind.

So What EXACTLY Do WE Do Here at

Self-Success Mastery ? 

We EMPOWER "YOU" to LIVE your POWERFUL Life Experience by sharing Tools and Techniques that Transform ANY area of your life be it Health, Wealth, or Relationships so that YOU can SHIFT your IDENTITY to ALIGN with MORE Abundant, MORE Fulfilling, MORE Prosperous, Ultra Inspiring, Highly Purposeful, Unimaginably Resourceful and Unbelievably Powerful SELF.

We DO NOT believe in CHANGING the Reflection - Your Outside World. We Believe and IMPART the Technology of BEING the Change INSIDE so that the reflection - your Outer World - would have NO CHOICE but to Reflect our NEW REALITY of your NEW Version - Your 2.0 SELF!


THIS is YOUR Doorway and Opportunity for a Renewed YOU!

 WHO are these Courses for? 

These course are the BASIS of a Happy, Abundant, Fulfilling and Purposeful Life. There is NO restriction as to WHO they are for. If you are inclined to a given course then THAT is for you or else you would not feel inclined towards it.

Having said that, please realize one thing that just because you CAN buy all of these courses does not mean that you SHOULD buy them.

The idea behind putting these courses togather was NOT to MAKE you BUY them one after the other so that I could earn money from it. THAT is absolutely NOT the Idea at all. I honestly DO NOT NEED your money... I REALLY DON'T. I NEVER live in the NEED Consciousness of Money and therefore money just flows into my experience from various sources... and believe me even if I don't ask for it you'll be tempted to pay for the value you get from these courses - Such is the Power of a Positive Attraction of Value. Money is just a medium of exchange. So I never worry about that part at all...All I want to do is ADD VALUE to your Life Experience.

So the AIM behind these courses is to OPEN those FloodGates of Prosperity for EACH one of you as well - so that YOU too could enjoy abundance of a Happy relationship with your Health, Wealth and Relationships & many other Loving, Meaningful and Fulfilling experiences of Life..


These courses will give you a very Strong Fundamental Foundation to build a Castle of your EVER Prosperous Life. But don't just jump into the catalog and start buying the courses. This attitude will NOT Serve you well.

 So WHAT's the BEST way to Do these Courses 

Before you pick any course from the site, here's my suggestion;

Sit, Relax and Think deeply on 2 MOST Important questions of Life;


  • WHO YOU Are and 

  • WHAT Do you REALLY Want in Life and 

  • WHY

IF you can get yourself to a level of Clarity on these questions then not only will it get easier for you to pick the RIGHT course for your current opportunity to Grow, it will also prepare you and pave a very Positive and Powerful path for your NEXT journey in life. 

Of course, every stage of life has an Awareness Lock that needs a key to unlock and allow for its Ultimate Realization. Therefore, depending in where YOU are in your journey, you'll be inclied to a certain courses while not to others and THIS is exactly how it SHOULD happen.

 Conscious Reality Creator Program 


We have a Grand Master Level course on Reality Creation called Conscious Reality Creator Program that is at the. This is a 6-week program and is the BE-ALL END-ALL kind of program that will MAKE you a GRANDMASTER of your Destiny and your Experiences in Life.

You WILL be so Powerfully and Positively equipped with the Awareness, Understanding, Clarity, and Purpose, along with Unimaginably Simple and yet Exceptionally Powerful Tools and Techniques to Re-DEFINE your Life BluePrint, that once finished, you'll NOT even be able to recognize your Current version of your SELF.




Because YOU - as your NEW Version will be experiencing life at a Far Greater and Much More Expansive Levels that WHAT and WHO you know yourself to be today will look so outdated that you'd be surprised how FAR you've come along in JUST a matter of a few weeks of dedicated effort.

Does it mean that your current Reality is BAD?

NO - it does not mean that.


Remember, your decision to STEP-UP the game in your life is coming from your CURRENT REALITY - so no matter how BAD it may seem - it STILL IS Serving you.


EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in your Reality is Serving you in one way or another - as YOU are serving everyone by your Presence in their Reality - You just might not be able to SEE it that way yet - but YOU are the REASON why this world even exist in your experience.


So NEVER - EVER Say, Feel or even IMAGINE that you are not ALREADY Powerful and Deserving because you ARE Powerful and Well-Deserving of ALL the Wonders that this world has to Offer. 


YOU WERE, You ARE and You WILL be a Deserving Individual on this Planet - no matter WHAT the so-called OTHERS say about YOU or your LIFE.


... and THIS Program will Help you EXPERINCE all that in FIRST HAND.

Six short weeks from now when you will write to me with Watery Eyes and a HUGE Heart Emoji, I'd KNOW - beyond the shadow of ANY Doubt-  that YOU and YOUR Life is Totally at a different Levels of Experience.

... and EVEN THOUGH you may want to THANK ME that day - I'd STILL Insist that I was merely a postman - the REAL TRANSFORMATIVE Message was delivered BY YOU TO YOU ... because THERE IS no one ELSE in the World - Outside of YOUR Life... there Simply IS NOT...


I exist in Your Life because we both have agreed - at some level of awareness - to be of service to each other. All I am doing at present is execute that Cosmic Agreement to SERVE YOU and nothing else.


There's a REASON why we call it a Conscious Reality Creator Program - Your IDENTITY Shifter.

Access to this program is ONLY by selection. If you feel inclined to the MAGNIFICENT Changes that comes about in your life experience as a result of this program, I would HIGHLY encourage you to hop on a DISCOVERY call and see if it's a right fit for you.

Realize that this would be a 30-45 Minute STRATEGY CALL - so be prepared for some deep discussions and powerful discoveries about your SELF, your Situations, and the possibility of powerful action steps with very TANGIBLE Outcomes. We will tell you RIGHT there on our call if this program is the right fit for you or not. We are very selective on WHO we work with - so this call is very important to us as well.

IF we find that this is not a good fit for you - we DO NOT want you to Invest your hard earned money in this program. Like I said earlier  - if something cannot bring value to your life - I WILL NOT Bring it to your Experience.

With that said - Book your LIFE-TRANSFORMING Call RIGHT Now and TAKE the FIRST step toward your FREEDOM to BE - DO & HAVE this Life of Your CHOOSING.

Like I ALWAYS Say - YOU always - Always - ALWAYS Have a Choice!

Have a Blessed Life!


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Change Your Life NOW

About Sanjiv

A POWERHOUSE of Inspiration
~ A Conscious Reality Creator ~
Life Mastery is his Passion and he LOVES to share the knowledge that he has gained over the years in the field of Conscious Reality Creation,  with others.

He Believes that Unless you know and fully grasp the DEEP Understanding of the TWO Key Ingredients of Clarity and Self Realization - The knowledge of WHO You REALLY ARE and WHAT You REALLY WANT in Life - there's hardly any significant progress that you can make in your life.

Sanjiv teaches tools and techniques to Unlock the hidden potential in you so that YOU too could Live your Life to your Fullest Potential.

Sanjiv's Signature Program Conscious Reality Creator is a unique blend of Mind-Body-Consciousness that takes a person from the space of total Unawareness to extreme clarity of their Vision, Purpose, Goal and provides Powerful Tools and Techniques to eliminate any Negative Energy and Sub-Conscious Elements to Propell, Grow and Maintain the upward Trajectory in Life - be it in the field of Money, Relationships, Healthy, Profession and/or Business.
You were not born to FACE Reality - You were born to CREATE It.
So Create it Consciously  AND
On  your own Terms  
- Sanjiv Tyagi

Pearls of Wisdom: Recent Posts

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